Ten Tips for New Adult Twitter Accounts on Minds
Ten Tips for New Adult Twitter Accounts on Rumble
This is a subject that I’ve been wanting to talk about for about for six or seven years now.
Every day, sometimes multiple times a day. I get contacted by people that say they are new to Twitter and they need some advice on what to do. I’m really happy to be getting this out so that I always have something in-depth to share with people who ask.
This is NOT going to be all the specific things that you should do based on your personal brand. Instead we’ll be talking about the major things that I see over and over with people who are brand new to Twitter or in some cases people who have been around for a long time, and just don’t know what to do.
This is going to help with the longevity of your account, how to build engagement, and followers, all for the purpose of making money or expanding your brand.
This is particularly aimed at people who have an adult audience. I’m talking about my crowd that includes sex workers, dominatrices, findoms, cam models content creators, erotic writers and artists, and other people of that sort.
As always, this is based on my 20 plus years of experience dealing with this as an adult content creator, and through helping sex workers informally for 20 years and professionally the last seven years. If it doesn’t fit with your brand, that’s okay. Take what you want and leave the rest, please.
So here are ten tips for new or struggling adult accounts on Twitter. And I’ll give you a bonus tip at the end.
1. Twitter’s Terms of Service
I think a lot of people do not take the time to do something that’s so simple and yet is paramount to having a long-term presence on Twitter. Simply, go read their terms of service.
When you read these TOS don’t go overboard with what you read. Keep your head. Overreacting and underacting is not helping you.
Just be aware of what it is that they are spelling out for you in text and react accordingly. If you follow those rules that you are more likely to have your account stick around for longer. It’s definitely no guarantee, but it will help.
Two things that they mentioned there that I will mention here and I’m summarizing. Number one, if you share explicit adult content all the time, Twitter frowns on that.
Twitter is the last big social media platform that allows adult content. There are like 500 million people registered on Twitter and there are two to three hundred million people that are active users.
So you may be able to find other places where they’re perfectly fine with adult content, but they don’t have two or three hundred million people that are on there. That’s the difference between Twitter and other places you can post whatever you want. It’s scale.
Twitter is asking that you don’t have a steady stream of explicit content. Additionally, speaking as a content creator, I’d like to point out that if you’re constantly sharing explicit content then you’re not giving a reason for people to pay for your content, they are getting it for free.
The second thing is that until recently fetish and BDSM stuff was not such a big deal, but now they are saying that if you have content that they consider to be violent like, spanking or whipping or maybe CBT, then they are taking particular note of that content. My suggestion is to tease that content and then direct fans elsewhere to see the real deal.
You should check those terms of service a couple times a year yourself and check my accounts for updates.
2. Mark Your Account as Sharing Sensitive Content
If you are an adult account and you’re going to be sharing adult content, then make sure that your account is marked as sensitive.
What that does is tell people who don’t want to see adult content that your stuff is what Twitter calls sensitive.
What this does is keep your account away from young or prudish eyes, and makes sure that you’re playing by the rules. Again, this is not a sure-fire guarantee that you won’t face problems with the platform, but it will help.
Marking your account as sensitive does indicate that you’re trying to play by Twitter’s rules.
3. Don’t Put Anything Explicit in Your Avatar or Header
I can’t tell you how many people I’ve seen instantly lose their account entirely just by having nudity in their avatar photo or header image. Twitter is not playing around with this rule.
You absolutely MUST make sure that there is no nudity in your avatar or header, and I’d highly advise that you don’t even have something that could be construed as suggestive.
4. Fill Out Your Bio
Many people put silly stuff or emojis or irrelevant hashtags in their bios. But your Twitter bio is valuable real estate. It’s your first chance to make an impression on followers and potential followers.
It’s so important to use that space to clearly define who you are and what you do. It’s a concentrated burst of personal branding that everything else should follow.
If you don’t know what your personal brand is, or what to say in your bio, it’s time to do some introspection and figure that out.
If you need help with that, I specialize in discovering and defining your personal brand and I’ve helped hundreds of other people get that clarity.
5. Create Good Content
I’m sure you’re ready to talk about what to post, and my ultimate suggestion is to create good content. Good content will separate you from the crowd. No matter what you do, put your best effort into it, and always try to be improving on what you offer.
Good content means that it’s creative, that you have good equipment, that you have the skills to refine it (or hire someone to package it), and you’re always pressing to get better from every angle.
Look around and see the people who are doing the best. They almost always have the best quality content. It drives everything else.
6. Post Regularly
Even the best content in the world is going to fall flat if you’re not on Twitter regularly.
You have to be posting, re-posting, replying, retweeting other people’s content, and being a productive member of the Twitter community or you’re never going to get any traction.
Keep in mind that Twitter is full of people and their feeds are updating constantly. If you post sporadically it’s going to be hard for you to rise above the noise that everyone else is creating.
Post at least once a day, maybe several times a day to get the best impact.
Again, the most successful people are highly active on Twitter.
7. Get Your Branding Elements on Your Content
The big thing I want to cover here is putting some sort of watermark on your content. Watermarks help you in three ways. The first way is just to indicate and solidify your brand. If every time they see content from you and they see your branding elements on your content then it will help tell your story and get your particular brand into the minds of fans and followers.
The second very important aspect of watermarking your content is to help protect it. Nothing is 100% effective, but at least getting something on your content will make it harder to steal.
Finally, if you have your stuff watermarked, and someone downloads it and shares it somewhere else, you’ll have some information on there that helps people elsewhere find out who you are. So it’s doing work for you even when you’re not there.
8. Get Away From Your Own Feed
When you start out with a new account it’s like putting a billboard in your basement. You have to figure out how to get people to come see your billboard. That means that you need to be reaching out to other people who have a broader reach than you do.
Find other people in your field and talk with them. Get in their conversations and genuinely contribute. Tell them what’s going on with you and give your perspective. Don’t just do it once, but be a regular fixture as a community contributor.
Don’t be spammy or disrespectful. Give more than you get.
Over time the people you’re interacting with will get to know you, and so will the people who follow them. And people will come visit your Twitter account to see what you’re up to.
I’m constantly sharing news, and events, and information on my feed. Get over there and get in on the conversation. I have over 80,000 followers. It will help get you noticed.
9. Share Other People’s Stuff
Also, to get your account noticed by other people is to simply share other people’s content. Don’t do it expecting the same in return, and only share stuff that you think your ideal follower would be interested in.
This is a great and simple way to build your reputation with the people whose content you’re sharing, and to build your reputation as a productive member of the community.
Everyone… everyone, on Twitter, would love to have more recognition for what what they post. Be the solution for that by sharing good quality content on your feed, and others will take a new look at you and what you’re sharing in return.
10. Look at What Other People Are Doing… But…
You need to be looking at what other successful people in your field are doing. Absolutely do not, under any circumstances, copy what they are doing. That will get you some very bad attention in the community.
What I’m suggesting is for you to look at the content they create, how often they post, what they say, how they say it, what services they are using, etc. Reverse engineer what is working so well for them. Then take what you learned and use it in your own unique way.
I have some warnings on this though. Don’t compare your numbers or your engagement to them. That’s a terrible thing to do. You’re just getting started and everyone has to build over time. Just do your thing and do it the best you can.
The next warning is don’t get jealous and complain about what others have. That’s a waste of time.
Losers focus on winners. Winners focus on winning.
I could go on and on about things for people with new or struggling Twitter accounts should do, but these basic things will help get you going.
Bonus: I promised a bonus tip and here it is… Be Nice!
That doesn’t sound like a big deal, but I promise you that simply being nice to other people on Twitter will help you grow and expand your reach on Twitter. I don’t care if your persona is that you’re a tough dominatrix or you’re supposed to be a bad girl or whatever, a good healthy dose of professionalism and a willing attitude to help others, will do wonders for your Twitter account. Try it and see.
This is exactly what I have been searching for all in 1.
Thanks for this. Im gona share it on twitter too to educate others
My pleasure!