Please click on the player below to hear The Dirk Side Episode 28

I experienced yugen last night and until I shared the experience I didn’t even know what yugen was! I’ll talk more about yugen, and the mysteries of the universe in this episode.

More on Dirk Hooper?

Adult Marketing and Branding:
Dirk Hooper’s Daily Fetish Chronicle:

Episode Notes

Outro Music: “IA 04” by Andrew Sacco
The Dirk Side with Dirk Hooper is hosted on Sexy Networking:
The Dirk Side with Dirk Hooper on iTunes: 
The Dirk Side with Dirk Hooper on Stitcher:
The Dirk Side with Dirk Hooper on tunein:
The Dirk Side with Dirk Hooper on Google Play:

Dirk Hooper

Dirk Hooper has two decades of experience with adult branding, marketing, social media management, and writing, for his own projects, and professionally for dominatrixes, feature entertainers, models, writers, artists, events, and numerous small businesses. He knows the unique challenges that marketing to adults brings, and he can help you get the attention you deserve.

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